Einstein Baby Jumper is one of the most popular baby activity jumper as well as Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo.
Which is safer and more fun, the Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper or the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo?
Read here:
When baby is placed in the seat, he can kick off the ground with his legs to bounce up and down.
This provides vital exercise for a youngster's legs, helping to prepare him for walking.
1. Einstein Baby Jumper 
/ Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper - is a baby bouncer and activity center is one.
It is fun, convenient, safe and economical toy for babies of ages
4 months and up,
under 25 pounds.- Surrounded by educational toys that are stimulating and colorful, baby won’t be bored in this Einstein Baby Jumper.
- The light-up piano keys give baby an interactive introduction to
musical creativity with two modes: the "piano notes" mode plays in piano tones, while the "melodies" mode features five classical melodies.
- The Einstein Baby Jumper does take up a lot of room. While some reviewers found it easy to fold up and store away others found quite difficult.
2. Fisher-Price Rainforest Jumperoo
is the most popular baby activity jumper on the market.
It is recommended for a baby who is
able to hold head up unassisted and who is not able to climb out or walk.
Maximum height 32"
- A fun seat and toys at five locations on the platform engage baby all the way around, and an electronic toy at the front has motion, music and lights that can be activated by baby spinning a drum.
Although the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo takes up quite a bit of space, it is easy to fold up and store out of the way.
My own experience with the baby activity jumper:I was originally going to buy our 4 month old a jumper that you hang from the door. After reading some reviews about injuries and mishaps from jumping into the door frames, we firmly decided against that and researched floor models.
We were between this Jumperoo and another one that has 4 support poles as the base. We decided on this Jumperoo because it took up less room and had more toys for only slightly more money. The investment was worth it for just the first 10 minutes of fun!
In ConclusionNo matter whether you choose
Einstein Baby Jumper or Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo. Your baby will enjoy it and you can have some free time for you.
I suggest shopping online at Amazon.com since they carry all the leading brand names and usually have the LOWEST PRICES on the Internet.
You can browse their most popular baby
activity jumpers online here
Modern Baby Swings Wooden Play Swing SetEinstein Baby JumperBaby Einstein Musical Motion JumperBaby Activity JumperBaby Jolly JumpersTravel Baby Carrier