Bringing home a newborn baby is an exciting time for parents. However it can bring also some problems. Getting a baby to sleep often presents a major parenting concern. How to help your newborn sleep?
I've worked in daycare with infants for years and have dealt with some very crappy swings. Therefore I was looking for as much information as possible before the purchase of this item. Fisher Price Cradle Papasan is great for so many reasons.
Fisher Price Cradle Papasan
1) The swing is so compatible with the decor of any home. A lot of really great swings come in weird colors, like turqoise; a lot of crappy ones come in decent colors. This is the best of both worlds.
2) The seat is positioned so that the baby's legs aren't swinging in the wind. My sons legs stay warm the whole time, probably because his circulation isn't being cut off!
3) The seat-belt/harness part has elasticized leg openings, so they comfortably fit any baby. I always felt bad for the little ones with super chubby thighs because they looked sort of pinched in other swings.
4) The seat cushion is so soft and wide. Most other swing seats are much narrower, and the babies are stuck sitting in them with their shoulders touching the sides. They just looked so cramped. The babies in this swing look like royalty, just hangin' out!
5) The mobile is so cute and it moves around, instead of just hanging there. You can turn the mobile on by itself, no music and no swinging. And it's positioned so that the baby can actually see it. Our little guy LOVES being in it. He gets excited when the bugs circle around; he coos and laughs the whole time! Plus, the mirror on the underside gives the baby something else to look at.
6) The toy bar is nice because it has something for the little guy to play with, that can't fall off and have to be picked up. It's also nice because it's totally removable. You can attach it when the child is awake and wants to play, and take it off when you want to lay them down and tuck them in with a comfy blanket.
7) We love the ability to change the swing from side-to-side (like a cradle), to front-and-back (like a regular swing). And there are six different speed settings. It's nice to know that we can adjust it to our son's needs at each time he's in it (sleepy, wide-awake, resting, playful, etc.). And he can just swing, without the mobile spinning or the music playing.
8) Last but not least, it has music, but you don't always have to have it on because there's an on-off switch and volume control. Sometimes, Mommy just needs it to be quiet for a little while! It also has the ability to play the music without moving the mobile or swinging
Here you can read what other parents say about this product: Fisher Price Cradle Papasan < Is this product really safe? Fisher Price Cradle Papasan < How to entertain your baby:
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