Newborn baby - Not sleeping? This is the most common problem parents have to face with when they bring their newborn baby home. I had the same problems with my first son. The good news is that it overcome.
This is the help you can try. I found this article written by Dr. Karp online. You may be interested to red it:
Newborn Baby - Not Sleeping?
Harvey Karp, M.D., author of The Happiest Baby on the Block
Dr. Karp’s advises simulating the environment of a mother’s womb to calm the baby to sleep. For this he has developed the five S’s:
- Swaddling
- Holding a baby in a side or stomach position by the parent (not in the crib)
- Creating shushing sounds or using white noise
- Swinging the baby to imitate movement inside a womb
- Encouraging sucking, either on a pacifier or breastfeeding
Dr. Karp’s method aims at making a baby comfortable by recreating the womb environment as closely as possible by swaddling the baby real tight, using loud enough sounds and vigorous swinging, using an automatic swing if necessary.
It can be used on babies right from the time of their birth.
These items can help your baby sleep:
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Tips here: How to entertain kids
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Travel Baby Carrier
Einstein Baby Jumper
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